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Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire

Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire9 de mayo de 2018

La conferencia internacional “Medical Review – Auschwitz: Medicine Behind the Barbed Wire“, que tendrá lugar el 9 de mayo de 2018 en Cracovia (Polonia), está organizada por la Sociedad Médica de Cracovia y la editorial médica Medycyna Praktyczna en colaboración con la Universidad Jagiellonian y el Memorial y Museo Auschwitz-Birkenau.

La conferencia versa sobre los experimentos pseudo-médicos llevados a cabo sobre los prisioneros de los campos de concentración, las consecuencias del encarcelamiento en esos campos para la salud de los reclusos y las implicaciones éticas de la medicina Nazi para la práctica médica contemporánea.


Medical Review – Auschwitz: the concept and its creators
Prof. Zdzisław Jan Ryn
Jagiellonian University, Poland

Selections carried out by SS doctors in the hospitals of the Auschwitz concentration camp
Dr. Piotr Setkiewicz
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum

Nazi German physicians: the antithesis of humanitarian medicine
Prof. Aleksander Skotnicki
Jagiellonian University, Poland

Block 10: the experimental block in the women’s camp at Auschwitz
Dr. Maria Ciesielska
Lazarski University, Poland

Pseudo-medical experiments in the Ravensbrück concentration camp: a survivor’s story
Dr. Wanda Półtawska, Poland

Ethical transgressions in anatomical science during the Third Reich: the trace to Auschwitz
Prof. Sabine Hildebrandt
Harvard University, USA

The evolution of the KZ-syndrome through the generations
Prof. Zdzisław Jan Ryn
Jagiellonian University, Poland

Assistance dispensed to Auschwitz survivors in 1945 by Polish doctors and medical personnel
Dr. Jacek Lachendro
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum

Ethical implications of Nazi medicine for current medical practice, healthcare policy and human rights endeavors
Dr. Stacy Gallin
Maimonides Institute for Medicine, Ethics and
the Holocaust, USA